May 18, 2015
Even if you are not in the throws of divorce, it is certain that you know someone who is. Divorce is a fact of life in this day and age. Regardless of the circumstances or reasoning behind your divorce, its not the event itself, but how you percveive and transition through it that will determine your ability to be...
May 13, 2015
As someone who practices Zero Adversity as a lifestyle each and every day, when I came across the information in this episode, I couldn't wait to put it in my podcast! The contents of this episode give you a different take on something we all have access to, often take for granted, and waste a lot of each and every day!...
May 3, 2015
Making New Years resolutions is easy. Staying on track to achieving them is the real challenge. Whether you vowed to lose weight, get healthy, make more money, live a happier life, or find that perfect relationship, this podcast will help you follow through.
In this Powerful Living Podcast episode, Michael J. Russ,...