Sep 22, 2015
You might be sabotaging your efforts in life without even knowing it. The saboteur responsible for this astonishing little feat is your inner conversation, also known as your self-talk. Yes, that seemingly non-stop conversation about you and what you are doing in your life. In this episode of the Powerful Living...
Sep 3, 2015
We have all encountered people who give less of an effort than they should during projects at work and in life in general. We will never be able to understand the deep seeded reasoning behind why they fail to give 100% and we will never have any control over their thoughts and actions. What we do have control over,...
Jun 10, 2015
In our ever changing, fast paced world, the feeling distressed has become a natural aspect of daily living. Fortunately,it doesn't have to be this way. In this episode, Michael J. Russ, author of the amazon bestselling book, Zero Adversity, reveals two facts that will help you make distress a thing of the past....
May 18, 2015
Even if you are not in the throws of divorce, it is certain that you know someone who is. Divorce is a fact of life in this day and age. Regardless of the circumstances or reasoning behind your divorce, its not the event itself, but how you percveive and transition through it that will determine your ability to be...
May 13, 2015
As someone who practices Zero Adversity as a lifestyle each and every day, when I came across the information in this episode, I couldn't wait to put it in my podcast! The contents of this episode give you a different take on something we all have access to, often take for granted, and waste a lot of each and every day!...